Data Sheet & Tech Brief

UAC + REALTECH: Automate and Monitor Business Processes in Real-Time

Centrally automate and monitor real-time business processes with the Stonebranch Universal Automation Center and REALTECH theGuard! software.

Data sheet: Real time automation- REALTECH download

Orchestrate everything from infrastructure and business services to IT applications and services. The Stonebranch Universal Automation Center (UAC) and REALTECH's theGuard software stay in constant contact with each other to rapidly launch praoctive, self-healing workflows. These complementary technologies provide real-time automation and immediately improve system reliability and performance. Whether you want to optimize system loads or maximize job quantities — Stonebranch and REALTECH help you acheive your goals.

Solution highlights:

  • Centrally monitor and control all IT and business processes
  • Straightforward implementation of change and release processes
  • Reliable, transparent, and automated process execution
  • Real-time monitoring to rapidly launch proactive, self-healing workflows
  • Pure web interface
  • Safe, secure, and compliant technologies

Further Reading

Read the blog | What is Human-in-the-Loop Automation?

What is Human-in-the-Loop Automation?

Learn how human-in-the-loop (HITL) automation combines human approvals with IT automation. Discover key use cases throughout the organization —and how a SOAP…

Read the blog | The Future of Workload Automation: Three Strategic Priorities for IT Leaders

The Future of Workload Automation: Three Strategic Priorities for IT Leaders

Orchestration, AI, and cloud automation are transforming the world of workload automation. Stay ahead with strategic insights to future-proof your operations.

Watch the Guided Tour | Exploring Stonebranch Universal Portal: Self-Service Automation Made Easy

Exploring Stonebranch Universal Portal: Self-Service Automation Made Easy

Take a deep dive into Stonebranch Universal Portal, a self-service automation platform that makes managing tasks, schedules, and workflows effortless. This…

Read the blog post | What is Container Orchestration? 

What is Container Orchestration?

Container orchestration helps you seamlessly automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containers and containerized applications — and integrate…