Product Training

How to Perform an Audit

A brief product training video on how to perform an audit with the UAC, including step-by-step instructions.

Product Training: How to Perform an Audit in UAC - Header

In this product training, we explain how to perform an audit inside the Universal Automation Center. Audits are detailed records of all user interactions with the Universal Controller, including the before-and-after details of a change, as well as the differences between the two records.

It's important to note before performing an audit that records are generally purged every seven days, according to the default settings, but can be kept for shorter or longer periods of time, if the user wishes. The available records can be displayed in any number of ways by toggling various columns and settings, to customize the output to your needs. The data obtained through the auditing can also be retained by adding them to a dashboard of your choice.

Demo Length: 6 min

Further Reading

Watch the Guided Tour | Exploring Stonebranch Universal Portal: Self-Service Automation Made Easy

Exploring Stonebranch Universal Portal: Self-Service Automation Made Easy

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Read the blog post | What is Container Orchestration? 

What is Container Orchestration?

Container orchestration helps you seamlessly automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containers and containerized applications — and integrate…

Five Standard Solutions within the Universal Automation Center (UAC) Platform

Discover the Five Standard Solutions within the Universal Automation Center (UAC) Platform and learn how to break down automation silos automation silos while…

Watch the webinar on-demand | 7 Steps to Success: Expert Tips to Simplify Your IT Automation Migration

7 Steps to Success: Expert Tips to Simplify Your IT Automation Migration

Migrating IT automation platforms can be complex, but with a structured, step-by-step methodology, the process becomes far more manageable.