Real-Time Hybrid IT Automation Blog

While IT orchestration and automation is our bread and butter, we understand that it is a complex and multifaceted topic that sparks conversation and inquiry. Our blog is our way of trying to address some of those questions, and build as diverse a knowledge base as possible for the Stonebranch community.

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It's Time to Replace Your CA Automic Workload Automation

Read this blog post and discover why it's time to replace CA Automic Workload Automation (WLA) and put a cloud-native, vendor-agnostic, web-based automation solution in place.

Dynamic IT Automation for Telcos, Part 1 - Why & What to Automate?

IT automation offers many benefits for telecommunications when it comes to enabling digital transformation. This article explores significant benefits and outlines several relevant use cases.

The Hybrid Cloud Conundrum

Hybrid cloud environments can pose a major obstacle for organizations. Read our take on this challenging IT topic and discover how to tackle it and provide a seamless experience to both the user and administrator.

Dynamic Automation: Free Up Your Workforce

Read this blog and discover how dynamic workload automation uses a combination of distributed and cloud technology to realize real-time, event-driven IT automation.

The Need for a ‘Magic Engine’

Why IT teams should be looking for new generation workload automation platforms to apply to the challenges of digital transformation.

SET SAIL - An Article from The Produktkulturmagazin

Even with the most experienced rowers, a ship cannot sail as fast as with the power of the wind. Dynamic IT automation harnesses that wind. Read this article to understand why transformation & automation go together like sails & wind

Interview with Dr. Detlef Purschke, Former CCO of Stonebranch

The challenges that companies of all sizes must face today in order to survive within the context of digital transformation are enormous. Follow the conversation of Temel Kahyaoglu Chief Analyst of TGOA and Dr Detlef Purschke by reading this interview.